A issue while registering a new user(don't know if exactly an issue, thats why emailing the mailing list)
Balaji Ravindran
2008-11-22 20:01:50 UTC
Hi All,

I found an annoying issue while i registered as a new user in the
netbeans.org website.

I registered as a new user, with a login name and email., the password was
to be sent to my email address. Now, i did not recieve the link for creating
the password, and i was wondering why, then i discovered that i had a typo
while entering the email address.

So i never got the link for creating a new password. I felt this annoying,
and it would have been better, if there were two fields

Email Address:
Retype Email-Address

This is just an added verification, and would save some time.

Just a thought.


Balaji R
Wade Chandler
2008-11-22 20:10:10 UTC
Of course most people copy and paste that field as browsers allow them to do it. Bad practice, but makes that useless for really helping many folks. Not really hard to implement however, and can use client side and server side checks. I of course wouldn't be the one editing the web page, so I can't give any definitives to you. If you think it is something really needed you can file an issue at:

as an ENHANCEMENT as it really isn't a DEFECT. The component will be www.


Wade Chandler, CCE
Software Engineer and Developer, Certified Forensic Computer Examiner, NetBeans Dream Team Member, and NetBeans Board Member

From: Balaji Ravindran <***@coresfoundation.com>
To: ***@netbeans.org
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:01:50 PM
Subject: [webteam] A issue while registering a new user(don't know if exactly an issue, thats why emailing the mailing list)

Hi All,

I found an annoying issue while i registered as a new user in the netbeans.org website.

I registered as a new user, with a login name and email., the password was to be sent to my email address. Now, i did not recieve the link for creating the password, and i was wondering why, then i discovered that i had a typo while entering the email address.

So i never got the link for creating a new password. I felt this annoying, and it would have been better, if there were two fields

Email Address:
Retype Email-Address

This is just an added verification, and would save some time.

Just a thought.


Balaji R
Jack Catchpoole
2008-11-25 10:07:00 UTC
Post by Wade Chandler
Of course most people copy and paste that field as browsers allow them
to do it. Bad practice, but makes that useless for really helping many
I have to agree - IMO confirmation fields for email addresses do
not help anything.
Post by Wade Chandler
folks. Not really hard to implement however, and can use client side and
server side checks. I of course wouldn't be the one editing the web
The address is already checked for validity, but there's no way to
check for a typo of course.
Post by Wade Chandler
page, so I can't give any definitives to you. If you think it is
Balaji actually went ahead and did this, but I'm going to close it as
WONTFIX - I appreciate it can happen, but IMO an email confirmation field
wont stop this. Thanks for the suggestion Balaji, but I don't think there
is any real way to prevent or typos on the server side.

Pls do let me know if you need any help updating/deleting/creating any
Jack Catchpoole
NetBeans/Sun Microsystems