content request
2013-02-12 18:14:20 UTC
I'd like to see expanded examples of intermediate and advance level
applications in Java/JSF built upon the generated jsf CRUD application.
When generating this app, we are given Spring MVC, JSF and Struts
application options. An example or links to how to add SpringSecurity
with support for user roles would be a helpful add-on

I'd also like to see how to manipulate the code template. For example,
the jsf application shows system generated IDs and I would greatly
prefer to have these as hidden fields. A working parent-child
relationship on one screen would be helpful (parent in header section
with children in datatable)

If you have a developer that would work with me to make a more complex
template, I'd be willing to contribute to the effort. My friend and
colleague has a similar tool that he developed that has an advanced
role management and optional portal look-and-feel. He is pricing
himself out of the market though(proqualitysoft.com). I could share
some ideas that would be a benefit.
