Interested on translating a page
raul samayoa
2008-09-22 13:59:56 UTC
I was interested in starting in translating the page
don't know if there is anybody already working on it. If there is I can
start on http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/61/index.html or
I could also start on
http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/61/install.html depending
on which one is more urgent. Once I am finish what do I do? Do I send it
to this email address already translated or do I need to send it
somewhere else?
Waiting to hear from you to start,
A user
Carlos Ayala
2008-09-22 20:00:06 UTC
Greetings Raul, please indicate to which language you want to translate the webpages you mention please.

I'm giving the final review to the _spanish_ translation of http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/60/cpp-setup-instructions.html

hmm wondering why in this exact moment a Wiki-like webpage came to my mind for improving the translators' work.

Carlos A.
Betreff: [webteam] Interested on translating a page
Datum: Montag, 22. September 2008, 6:59
I was interested in starting in translating the page
don't know if there is anybody already working on it.
If there is I can
start on
I could also start on
on which one is more urgent. Once I am finish what do I do?
Do I send it
to this email address already translated or do I need to
send it
somewhere else?
Waiting to hear from you to start,
A user
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Jack Catchpoole
2008-09-23 12:00:03 UTC
Post by Carlos Ayala
Greetings Raul, please indicate to which language you want to
translate the webpages you mention please.
I'm giving the final review to the _spanish_ translation of
hmm wondering why in this exact moment a Wiki-like webpage came to my
mind for improving the translators' work.
Good idea! We definitely need some better way of "reserving" a page
like this. OTOH a wiki page with a table like the one on the status
page would be huge and hard to edit (wiki table syntax, yuck).
Jack Catchpoole
NetBeans/Sun Microsystems
Janice Campbell
2008-09-25 04:30:38 UTC
Hi Raul,

Welcome and thanks for your offer.
It's helpful first, if you can tell us which language you wish to
translate into. We are about to release 6.5 in November, so perhaps the
docs for 6.5, or 6.1 are more interesting than 6.0.

You are welcome to tackle the most interesting to you.

Follow the instructions here, under "How to get started".

Please use UTF-8 encoding where possible. If you don't know what that
means, or how to do it, don't worry! Send in whatever you can, and we'll
work it out on this end.

Send your translated html as an email attachment to webmaster at
netbeans dot org (***@netbeans.org). Don't forget to tell us
exactly which page you have translated (and the language). Thanks!

Post by raul samayoa
I was interested in starting in translating the page
don't know if there is anybody already working on it. If there is I can
start on http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/61/index.html or
I could also start on
http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/61/install.html depending
on which one is more urgent. Once I am finish what do I do? Do I send it
to this email address already translated or do I need to send it
somewhere else?
Waiting to hear from you to start,
A user