Korean Translation
Choong San Ro
2009-07-29 05:03:15 UTC
Dear whom it concerns


I just sent two korean translation without knowing I had to email

I submitted following korean translation to ***@netbeans.org :

- http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/65/index.html
- http://testwww.netbeans.org/features/ide/index.html

Also I'm working on

- http://testwww.netbeans.org/features/cpp/index.html

I didnt get back any responses from webmaster. I was wondering if it's
normal or not...

and status page seems to be same as before.

anyway have a nice day

Best Regards

Choongsan Ro
Jan Pirek
2009-07-29 09:40:48 UTC
I have published this and his other file and replied from webmastaer@ mail

Post by Choong San Ro
Dear whom it concerns
I just sent two korean translation without knowing I had to email
* http://testwww.netbeans.org/community/releases/65/index.html
* http://testwww.netbeans.org/features/ide/index.html
Also I'm working on
* http://testwww.netbeans.org/features/cpp/index.html
I didnt get back any responses from webmaster. I was wondering if it's
normal or not...
and status page seems to be same as before.
anyway have a nice day
Best Regards
Choongsan Ro
Jan Pirek
NetBeans WebTeam
Sun Microsystems